Tim Van Damme Inspired by Tim Vand Damme

About me

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Sketcher. Drawer. Reader. Art Appreciator. Comic Artist. Loser. Food Lover. Married to a computer . Tokio Hotel Lover. Bill Kaulitz Lover. Photoshop Wangstah. Gangstah. Music Enthusiast. Boys Like Girls Fan. Artemis Fowl's Numero Uno Fan. Percy Jackson Addict. Writer. Villain. Sister. Gamer. Dreamer. LaSallian. Pedestrian. WHUT?


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As a LaSallian Student. :)

Oh the heck, man! XD I haven't updated for about three centuries?!! O___O

Anyhoo, i wanna say that I am now a Frosh student in De La Salle University. (i just wanna blog something about this because i haven't done any blogging about my college life :-O)

I never expected I'll enroll in this institution. Why? Because UST has always been my dream school. :) And the tuition in LaSalle is quite *gulps* pricey, man. But I entered LaSalle because my older sister challenged me! the heck, dude! XD

She told me this "You took a lot of college entrance tests and you're dreaming of going to those schools? What the? i know you'll end up in FEU just like me. Useless lang! Mom and Dad spent a lot of money for your entrance tests."

I got pissed, dude. The heck! Just because you weren't able to take the college tests to the colleges I took tests from this is your feedback? Jeez!

Okay, so I took 5 college entrance examinations... because i want to make sure I'll be able to enter a college. So when I received the result of my DLSUCET (yes, i waited for the mail. XD Because i lost my application number! the heck pare!) and I told my Mom that I'll enter LaSalle, but it was a joke. :

She really bought it, dude. Man, i was actually thinking about it myself that time if i really meant it or not. One problem for me if i enter lasalle is that i am not sociable and clothes. : it was the first time in my life that my problem was clothes! HAHAHAHHAHHAAH i don't have much clothes because we wore uniforms, plus, everytime we shop, instead of buying clothes, i buy books. :) XD

enough of the shizz.... SO YES I ENTERED LASALLE! At first I was really scared, i mean, it was my first time to go to school by myself. : and I got no friends, as i have said i am not sociable. the heck. you suck cathrel! you suck! XD

After a few days.. i gained friends. :) They were the best friends i could ever ask for in the university! There's Veronica Dy, Mark "Charice" Pempengco, JM Carino (sorry dude, don't know the enye HAAHAH), Steph "Braggy" Braganza, Kevin Melo and Raffy Samson. :) These guys are the best! Without them my stay in lasalle would totally suck. T__T

I've been dreaming in excelling in Lasalle in my own way, so i auditoned for The LaSallian, the school newspaper for the Arts and Graphics section. When I took the sort of exam for my section, I wasn't feeling very well. Little did i know, i have A(H1N1) virus already.

My plan was I was going to take Plaridel that afternoon with JM, but since I'm not feeling very well, i decided to go home. And that's when I was getting worse every hour. O__O then there was the interview part. I sucked at it. "Sell yourself to us!" Dude Kevin said. I went O__o and what did i say? "Uh, if you accept me, I assure you that i will make your awesome paper---awesome!" THE HELL?? HAHAAHA XD

For more than a week, JM (he took both The Lasallian and Plaridel) told me that he was already accepted by Plaridel! Of course I was happy for him! He "SHINES" even more. XD HAHAHAHA Of course i can't help but think if i was able to pass or not. That smae week, my cellphone got lost. : good thing that lady who got it returned it to me. She was so kind. :)

Then after a week or so, I got a message saying "Hey newbies.. blah blah blah..." (it was the lasallian okies?) so i don't know how to react. Was I accepted? The heck is this, man? So i asked if I was really accepted...and oh boy!!!!! I was! AHHAHAHHAHAHA and yes. I am very happy that I got accepted. :) it feels good.

BOTTOM LINE: Being a LaSallian.... ROCKS! Yeah! I don't regret going to this university. :) I think i made the right choice. (naks naman pare!)

cheese cake rocks,
Cathrel a.k.a NATHAN. :)


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