This dude, HE HAS A NAME!! >:) His name is NATHAN! Yes, he's so awesome I have to give him my other name. :) Actually, it was Harlene who suggested that, because both of us like that name. :)
Each artist uses different mediums to where they will make that art of theirs, from papers to walls, to doors, to boards and so on. I can all say one thing: The biggest, wait, the greatest canvas of every artist is nothing but the world itself. :) (naks! deep yun ah! XD)
I like very much, what Henry David Thoreau says about the world as a canvas .
I'm glad you liked it. :)
So it was Henry David Thoreau who said that. :)
And I love that quote!
It's so inspiring. :)
I'm stealing Nathan's clothes :)
And wow, how so very deep. The world is your canvas :) But you're artistic like that so I know you're not just trying to impress us with your uh, deepness.
(Sorry na. I'm not deep like you eh. Haha.)
You can't JUST steal someone's clothes! :O :O
That's just EVIL!! *gasp again*
But then again, you ARE evil.
Oh, i'm just trying to impress YOU. BWHHAHHAH!
You are deep, man. I know. deep deep inside my heart, that you ARE deep, too. XD
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